Meister Services integration

These are two proposals for integrating the services of the Meister package. Task/assignment completed as part of UX Challenge.

Tools - Invision

Below I present two proposals for integrating the Meister package services. My solutions are based on the assumption that the core service of Meister Suite is Meister Mind. I understand the integration of services as an easy flow of information between the services of the Meister package. In the attached high-fidelity wireframes, I present my ideas for the flow of information and its exposure on the websites.

First scenario

1.The user selects the “edit” option icon on the item of interest to him.
2. A standard edition window with the new "import / export" function appears.
3. Following that, the available choices for data sharing between services are displayed. In this situation, the user wishes to import the note from MeisterNote into the MeisterMind. He selects the proper option and presses the button.
4. Following the selection of the suitable choice, the browser opens, from which the user may pick the document of interest.
5. The notes on the MeisterNote website are organized into blocks, so I decided to use it. Details of the selected document appear, i.e. its individual blocks - reflecting its original structure. As a result, the user can import both the complete document and simply the portions that he desires. In the browser, the full document is chosen by default.
6. In this case, the user wants to import only the selected fragment of the note. He deselects the checkmark "Import the whole note". The button enabling the transfer fades and stays deactivated until the user selects an element to be imported.
7. The user picks the sections of the document that interest him. The upload button becomes active. The user confirms the selection by clicking the button.
8. The file browser closes. The user is informed that the document has been uploaded via the text in the dialog box. A MeisterNote icon appears where the note was imported, and an information of number of events related to it on the side.

Second scenario

1.The Meister Minds service is launched by the user. He may notice the symbols for the other Meister package services in the top menu. A colorful border surrounding the symbol indicates new alerts from the associated service, in this example from Meister Note.
2.User clicks the Meister Note icon, the options window appears. User selects the “Topics List” option.
3. A modal window appears listing all the notes created in the Meister Note. It also sees the activity of other users in the document. The user finds an item of interest and clicks the "import" button in its field.
4. The browser from known the "A" scenario displays, allowing the user to select which portion of the document to import. The note chosen in the preceding stages is automatically highlighted.
5. The browser window closes; a message appears in the middle of the screen notifying the user of the next step. The user may pick the item on his Meister Mind board to which the previously selected note should be assigned. Items he can pin a note to are indicated by a dashed blue outline.
6. User selects the item to which he wants to assign the note. The notification window disappears.
7. The MeisterNote icon appears in the chosen item.
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